๐Ÿ•น๏ธAbout the game

The legend has only just begun.

At the serene Icy star, where no life exists, a star shines pure and white. Floating alone, distant from all other planets, it remains hidden at the outer edge of the Milky Way galaxy. However, its center is not pure white. Deep within lies a mysterious and pitch-black energy known as the "Black Onyx" (Titan Onyx). It has slumbered for millions of light years. According to legend, whoever possesses this black onyx stone gains extraordinary powers. Like a wise deity, they can harness unimaginable abilities to maintain peace in the universe. This black onyx stone holds dominion over all six elements.

The 6 elements consist of Fire, Water, Dust, Metal (Dust + Fire), Growth (Water + Dust), and Air (Fire + Water).

All 6 elements combine to form Titan Onyx

Some time ago, around 5000 years ago, King Dark Crytonia devised a plan to conquer the entire universe. He created a sinister dark purple-black magnetic fog with the power to open mystical dimensions and unleash malevolent energy, using it to envelop the stars. Its purpose was to transform all living beings on the planets into grotesque creatures, driven by their deepest and darkest desires. It is said that those who succumb to this transformation, becoming Octo demons, become loyal followers of King Dark Crytonia, mercilessly slaughtering all creatures on the planet and forever forfeiting their former glory. Thus, the star would then belong to King Dark Crytonia. This conquest of individual stars eventually leads to the domination of entire galaxies.

However, there exists one star that remains resistant to the power of the purple-black magnetic fog. It is known as the ADA Planet, situated within the Milky Way Galaxy. This planet is guarded and safeguarded by the valiant knights known as Welle Light Travelers and the enchanting goddess ADA Mรกgos. They protect all creatures, big and small, from the harmful effects of the magnetic field, although the power of the Welle Light Travelers has started to wane. In order to regain their strength, the Warriors of Light (Welle Light Travelers) must journey to a distant ice star. Additionally, they must summon the Black Onyx Titan Onyx, the primary energy source of the ADA Planet, in order to defend against King Dark Crytonia.

It could be said that with the power of the Black Stone in the hands of the warriors, the Welle Light Traveler would have the ability to oppose the power of King Dark Cryptonia.

However, things take a different turn when King Dark Crytonia learns about the secret power of the Welle Light Traveler warriors from the Octo demon.

King Dark Crytonia unintentionally entered the Snowstar in an attempt to destroy the Black Onyx (Titan Onyx). However, with the sacrifice of the magical goddess ADA Mรกgos, who used her powers to seal it, the main Titan Onyx was not destroyed. Instead, small fragments of the stone were scattered throughout the Milky Way galaxy. These stone fragments embody six other crucial elements: Fire, Water, Dust, Metal (Dust + Fire), Growth (Water + Dust), and Air (Fire + Water).

Only the Welle Light Traveler Knights have the ability to collect the shards of the Black Onyx Crystal and harness the power of the six elements to create weapons, special abilities, and enhance their own capabilities. You might be one of those knights, a Welle Light Traveler, who can embark on a quest to uncover and gather these six elements, ultimately restoring peace to the universe once more.

Join the thrilling adventure as a fearless ADA warrior, racing to find the shards of Black Onyx. You can either embark on this quest alone or team up with other warriors to vanquish the monsters of King Dark Cryptonia.

Additionally, you can engage in PvP battles to recruit top-tier warriors and assemble them into your team at the Dragon Arena. Alternatively, you can also challenge the nearby Welle Light Traveler knights.


Mar 12โ€™22

Dark Series

Blood Sign

Last updated